Recently, after its parent company, the PokerStars collaborated with the British gaming giant flutter entertainment. While the sudden shock news that came is the world’s largest online poker site PokerStars withdrew itself from the Asian market without any prior declaration.
From years, Pokerstars is proudly known as the world’s largest online poker platform and thus holds up the large market share in Asia, where the country of china promises to rank on the top.
On the year of 2019, 6UP got its recognization by being the exclusive partner of Asian PokerStars. As 6UP signed the agreement with the star groups subsidiaries PokerStars for their partnership in Asia and thus officially launched their well-known online poker platform.
While, the sudden heartbreaking news came up on September 1, 2020, that PokerStars officially declared to withdraw themselves from the Asian market without making any prior discussion with 6UP.
After receiving the withdrawal notice, 6UP and PokerStars got into an argument and with time the communication reached to a deadlock, PokerStars insist on their decision of closing the Asian market without considering the right of the Asian players on the account.
Well, according to the legal agreement prepared by the parties, it is declared that if either of the party decided to withdraw their agreement it requires a signed copy from both the sides as an approval. It is the right of both the parties to get notified about the other’s decision in writing in advance.
However, the fact can’t be denied that PokerStars was extremely hasty on this contract and while on other hand 6UP, which is the only partner in Asia considered to be s the exploitation. The decision was sudden and irresponsible which results in bringing up the differences with the Asian markets.
According to the sources, the news that came to know is that 6UP is planning to authorize a legal action again the PokerStars parent company i.e. flutter entertainment to declare the fact that the terms and conditions made were reasonable which results to the loss of goodwill and the profits.
We regret the decision of sudden terminates of Pokerstars. Once upon a time, this was known as the pure love of the chines players. They found it interesting and thus love to spend their time on it and thus finally declared themselves as the PokerStars or say the poker lovers. Their passion towards the PokerStars makes them fall into the love of it. Thus, here in any scenario, the sudden terminal came as a big shock for the people.
We hope for better commercial outcomes. It not only affects the partnership but also violated the right of the customers. In long run, this behaviour can result in the reputation damage.